Edgewise Environmental and MSeis Partnership to Supply Newfoundland and Labrador with Advanced PAM Equipment
In a significant move towards enhancing marine environmental monitoring, Edgewise Environmental has announced a strategic partnership with MSeis, a UK-based company renowned for its two decades of expertise in offshore surveying. This collaboration will see Newfoundland and Labrador equipped with state-of-the-art Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) systems, specifically the Night Hawk III. Mark Higginbottom, Managing Director … Read more

MSeis Complete ISO 9001 2015 Annual Surveillance
MSeis are pleased to report that there ongoing efforts for continual improvement are moving forward apace, with renewal of ISO 9001-2015 certification. Managing Director Mark Higginbottom said “The whole team led by Matt Brewer our Operations Manager has worked hard to keep the Quality Management System up to date; a system that is working for … Read more

MSeis are pleased to announce that we are currently working on a project with NPL. The scope of the project is aimed at verifying PAM array frequency response across the entire range of cetacean vocalisations. The aim is to test MSeis arrays between 10 Hz and 180 kHz empirically. Managing Director Mark Higginbottom commented “This … Read more

Online quote builder
MSeis now offer the ability to specify the requirements of your jobs directly on our website in order to accurately capture the job details and provide you with a bespoke quote. Let us know the application, redundancy requirements and destination and we will endeavour to reply within one working day. You can also pick different … Read more

Online PAM Training
MSeis have undertaken a review of their online training syllabus, to give a more in depth understanding and as near to a “hands on” approach as is possible over the internet. As a result of the global pandemic, more and more PAM operators have had to turn to the online medium as the primary method … Read more

ISO9001:2015 certification
During the pandemic, MSeis management team have been working incredibly hard implementing ISO9001:2015 management system and they now have new bespoke management systems to satisfy ISO standards. During December MSeis was audited by AJA Europe and was successfully awarded accreditation in January 2021. ISO 9001:2015 is the world’s most widely recognised quality management standard, developed … Read more

Next generation PAM
The R&D team at MSeis have been busy working on the next generation of PAM equipment due to launch in the near future. The new technologies are targeting our traditional towed PAM systems as well as systems deployed from our WISDOM buoys. Many of the improvements will be internal providing better performance and higher reliability. … Read more

Green Business Grant
Earlier this year MSeis were awarded a Green Business Grant from the West of England Combined Authority to improve energy efficiency and reduce our carbon footprint. The grant was used to install and improve roof insulation throughout the building, replace all existing lights with LED fittings, install an infrared heating panel and motion sensors to … Read more

Listening to our planet
MSeis have launched a subtle rebranding with new colour themes and a new tagline that strikes a chord with our company ethos and product line as well as our core environmental values. The new tagline is simply “listening to our planet” The branding is an evolution rather than a revolution keeping much of the design … Read more

New markets in the USA
Managing director Mark Higginbottom has recently returned from a fruitful trip to Florida where new market initiatives have been put in place. Whilst in Florida Mark spent time with students from the Department of Marine Ecosystems and Society,at the University of Miami. Several days were spent in the beautiful setting of Biscayne Bay just a … Read more

WISDOM Buoy Launch
MSeis have launched their WISDOM data buoy, allowing real-time acoustic monitoring over a Wi-Fi link for marine mammal mitigation and noise level measurement. The system is also capable of recording to internal storage for later analysis. Successful sea trials took place earlier in 2017. Please see the WISDOM product page for more details.

Visit From North Somerset
On Thursday 12th November MSeis were pleased to welcome Councillors and delegates from North Somerset Council who are keen to promote small businesses in North Somerset. We look forward to working closely with the council, building business relationships in North Somerset for future growth in our industry. After convening at Weston Business Lodge for a … Read more

Growth In Eastern Market
We recently welcomed Leon Yang of Leon International Marine & Offshore Equipment to our premises in Weston-super-Mare. Leon had traveled from China to discuss our developments in the growing Chinese exploration industry. We’re excited to see MSeis PAM systems to be the first in use for China and look forward to continued work with Leon.

Signal Conditioner
We’re pleased to announce the latest addition to the MSeis product range – the Signal Conditioner. This unit streamlines the component path, covering signal splitting, high frequency data acquisition and depth sensor data acquisition and improves set-up time. The Signal Conditioner is available for use with all Night Hawk III installations. For more information, or to … Read more

MARINElife Survey
Tuesday 18th August 2015 saw MSeis vessel, ‘Dauntless’ chartered for use in a special ornithological and dolphin survey on the South coast of England, organised by our friends at the MARINElife charity. The survey featured 9 vessels each covering a section of the south coast with observers looking for Bottlenosed Dolphins and the critically endangered Balearic … Read more